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Local Auditors

Vacant   Term Expires March 2025
Mary Ellen Gray 802-222-5477  Term Expires March 2026
Steven Williams   Term Expires March 2027

The Town Auditors perform annual review of the financial records of the Town.  To complete the review, we randomly selected a representative of some transactions that occurred in the Town during the year, both deposits and disbursements, to ensure that funds received were deposited in a timely and accurate matter to ensure that disbursements were duly authorized for payment by the Selectboard and that checks were issued with the correct payee and in the correct amount.

The Town Auditors prepare the Town Report for printing and distribution to residents.  As we have in done in previous years, the Town hired Michelle Sherburne, owner of the Journal Opinion, to do the actual compilation of the Report, and we have work with her on the coordination of the report.  The Town contracted RePro Vermont, a printing company in Winooski, Vermont to print and directly mail the reports.

Jennifer Rivers, Town Treasurer; Danielle Kingsbury, Selectboard Administrative Assistant; Jesse Meyer, Water and Sewer Department Administrative Assistant; and Nikki Tomlinson, Town Clerk for their assistance with the Town Report.